16 October 2016

Skrisi Bahasa Inggris.

Correlation between Students’ Attitudes toward English and their English Learning Achievement of the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Negeri 1 (Model) Lubuklinggau


A.  Background
Language is a means of communication of human beings. Language can be in written, spoken, or signal forms. According to Dörnyei (1998),  Language is at the same time: (a) a communication coding system that can be taught as a school subject; (b) an integral part of the individual's identity involved in almost all mental activities; and also (c) the most important channel of social organisation embedded in the culture of the community where it is used. Language helps people communicate easily in their community. In each community, they have their own language. However, when one community would like to communicate with other communities from different language backgrounds, they need to use a language which each of them can speak with.
English is a language widely used in the world. English has an important role in many aspects of life. English is used in technology, education, science, career, and also as a primary means in communication. English is one of foreign languages that it is taught in Indonesia.
English in Indonesia is an important subject. English subject in Indonesia is taught from kindergarten until the university. In junior and senior high school, English is a compulsory subject and also is examined in national Examination. Meanwhile in college level, English subject is a complementary subject in order to help students’ access references in English.
The objective of teaching English in Indonesia schools is as follows: (a) develop communicative skills in oral and written form. The skills are listening, reading, writing and speaking, (b) build the importance of learning English as one of foreign language to be main learning material, and (c) develop an understanding about interrelation between language and culture and expanded sight, so the students have cross cultural sight and involve in (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2003:14).
As mention above, it can be seen that the objective of English language learning and teaching in Indonesia is to develop communicative ability in the four of language skills, they are; listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Therefore, if students can use English communicatively, they are likely to broaden their inter-lingual and cross cultural insight so that they can promote their culture to the world.
From several years of teaching, the researchers have noticed that learning English is closely related to the attitudes toward the English subject. On the other hand, proficiency in acquiring a second language may also be influenced by attitudes. Besides, it is the researchers’ belief that a better understanding of language learner’s preferences and learning attitudes can have a benefit effect on the process of helping and assisting language learner in learning English. Attitudes do not remain static; they can be changed by identifying the sources of negative attitudes and correcting them. Additionally, they can be changed through the learning process by using appropriate materials and teaching techniques. Attitudes also improve as a result of language learning learners who learn well will acquire positive attitudes. All in all, a better understanding of students’ attitudes may assist teachers to select activities and tasks that generate the attitudes most conductive to the production of more successful learners.
Attitude has recently received considerable attention from both first and second language researchers. Most of the researches on the issue have concluded that student’s attitude is an integral part of learning and that it should, therefore, become an essential component of second language learning pedagogy. There are several reasons why research on students’ attitudes toward language learning is important. First, attitudes toward learning are believed to influence behaviors, Kaballa & Crowley (in Weinburgh, 1998:3) such as selecting and reading books, speaking in a foreign language. Second, a relationship between attitudes and achievement has been shown to exist. Schibeci and Riley (in Weinburgh, 1998:3) report that there is support for the proposition that attitudes influence achievement, rather than achievement influencing attitudes. How attitudes towards learning are formed, how affect learning has been increasingly interest of language teachers and researchers as well. The reason is that attitude influence one’s behaviors, inner mood and therefore learning.
Education is the powerful tool which helps to modify the behavior of the child according to the needs and expectancy of the society. Student’s attitude is an integral part of learning and that it should, therefore become an essential component of second language learning pedagogy. Especially in education, if the students have positive attitude towards any subject, they can achieve many things in that specific area. There is an interaction between language learning and the environmental components in which the students were grown up. Both negative and positive attitudes have a strong impact on the success of language learning.
High school period is an important stage to the students to face a lot of competition and it is a gate way for them to enter into higher studies. So they are aware of the importance of English, how it is mainly helpful to them to do well in the academic study and their professional life in future. Since they want to continue their higher studies in college, the English is considered as the foreign language in every school. It is tough for the students to understand the English language. Hence the researcher feels that the classroom activities in the study of English should develop the students’ attitude towards the study of English and it should help them to enhance interest to learn English.
Identifying students’ attitude will help the educators to understand how students are affected by foreign language learning and what causes them to have positive or negative attitudes. Attitude which forms a part of one's perception of self, of others, and of the culture in which one is living (Brown, 2007:193) is important in Education. Because attitude determine the individual’s capacity to participate effectively in the learning process and help student to enjoy and interest in the subject and have students be succesful.
Based on the consideration above, the researcher was interested in doing the research entitled Correlation between Students’ Attitudes toward English and their English Learning Achievement of the Eleventh Grade Students of MA Negeri 1 (Model) Lubuklinggau. Moreover, by the description above that explains attitudes affect learning achievement, it makes the researcher wants to find out the correlation between students’ attitude toward English ang their English learning achievement. The researcher convinced that the result of the study will be useful and there are many significances, specially to encourage the teachers of English to consider students’ psychological factors which may affect their English learning achievement.

B.  Formulation of Problems
Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher formulated the question of problem as follows:
1.    “Is there a significant correlation between students’ attitude toward English and their English learning achievement of the eleventh grade students of MA Negeri 1 (Model) Lubuklinggau?”
2.    “How is the correlation between students’ attitude toward English and their English learning achievement of the eleventh grade students of MA Negeri 1 (Model) Lubuklinggau?”

C.  The Scope of the Research
The research focused on attitudes which has cognitive, affective and behavior components as one of determinants of foreign language learning achievement. The sample limited the students was the eleventh grade students of MA Negeri 1 (Model) Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2015/2016.

D.  The Objective of the Research
Based on the problem which has been mentioned above, the objectives of this research were as follows:
1.      To find empirical evidence of  whether or not there is a significant correlation between students’ attitude toward English and their English learning achievement of the eleventh grade students of MA Negeri 1 (Model) Lubuklinggau.
2.    To describe the correlation between  students’ attitude toward English and their English learning achievement of the eleventh grade students of MA Negeri 1 (Model) Lubuklinggau.

E.  The Significances of the Research
The result of this research is expected to contribute the valuable information in English teaching and learning related to achievement in the foreign language. It will also give advantages to students, teachers, researcher and the other researchers. The significances of this research are as follows:
1.    To the Students
It is expected that the results of this research will be beneficial in introducing and informing students about correlation about attitudes and achievement in learning process.
2.    To the Teachers of English
It will encourage teacher to consider students’ psychological factors which may affect their English learning achievement. It will provide an input to the teacher to select the best methods and techniques in teaching English. Therefore students can improve their achievements.
3.    To the Other Researchers
The other researcher can use this research as the reference for the future research related to attitudes toward English and English learning achievement.

F.   Operational Definitions
In the operational definitions, there three terms that are going to be explained in this study. They are correlation, attitudes and learning achievement.
1.    Correlation
Correlation is definied as relationship or connection that exist between variables. Correlation in this study referred to the relationship between students’ attitudes toward English and their English learning achievement.
2.    Attitudes
Attitude is a drive inside of the people in doing something. It is believed that attitude affect learners’ behavior toward learning; therefore, negative or positive attitude affect language learning. Attitudes in this study referred to the eleventh grade students’ attitude toward English.
3.    Learning Achievement
Achievement can be as the description for the students and also about how well their learning process work. If the students have the great scores, it means the learning process is success achieved by the students and the teachers also.

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